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legacy more important of them greek and roman

6 Pages 1421 Words December 2016

Legacy more important of them Greek and Roman.
Barbara Hilewsky
San Ignacio University.
Steve Sweetman.
Western Civilization

Rome and Greece were two cultures of large peak in the bygone era, being large empires which important legacies to the Western world left mainly. The Greeks and the Romans left us legacies such as literature, art, philosophy among other important legacies. Being for us big contribution in the history.

The Greeks left a great cultural development, since they stood out as outstanding people and you intact that they had a very intellectual education, legacies more important to let the Greeks were:
The literature was born in the century V BC, in their early was considered a genre literary, but as them texts were taking a character more investigative and explanatory is began to develop the story. The poetry epic developed by Homer in the century VIII-VII BC, writer of the Odyssey and the Iliad book where tells them adventures of them heroes and gods Greek in the Guerra of Troy. Since these works are used for the teaching intellectual, is conveyed a value of the Warrior of great importance for the world Greek. The Greek Theatre was associated with the democratic process who lived the city. The theatre was the instance in where all the inhabitants is brings in an act that is, civic and religious. There are two types of Theatre: the tragedy that tries to educate the public, the relationship between human beings and gods, where the fate of humans is tragic to the divinity of the gods. Their older representatives are, Sophocles, Esquilo and Euripides it comedy moreover was born with it democracy thanks to Aristophanes, great part of their works were related with it war and their criticism pointed to the search of the peace and to the wrong operation of it democracy.
It philosophy was it greater creation of them Greek, is began to develop starting from the century SAW BC, thanks to the obs...

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