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Safety First When Crossing the Street

2 Pages 596 Words February 2018

Ever had trouble crossing a street where you know cars don't stop, or maybe sending your child to school knowing about this problem and worrying about your kids? When having stop signs and traffic lights, people have a tendency to drive slower and look out for people walking in the middle of streets. Every day I take my little sister to school because I'm afraid of her crossing the street where no stop sign or traffic light near the school. As a school, I feel they, not only having a crosswalk will make it better but also a stop sign. I strongly suggest there should be a stop sign on Orange Street and 39th Street on all four intersections. We will need traffic lights next to the school, so people will look out for the students going home.
We could prevent accidents before they actually happen. Drivers may not notice the pedestrians crossing or might not pay attention to the road. Must we wait for a tragedy to happen in order to imply this? On January 26, 2018, in Atlanta, Georgia parents have pushed for a traffic light for those going to Villa Rica High School, (GDOT) Georgia Department Of Transportation has done the math but the numbers don't add up. According to 11, Alive News Computer dude mentions that GDOT had studied that intersection six times for over the past seventeen years. Over the past six years, there have been ten accidents that could have been prevented by a stop light.
Solar Crosswalk lights can be an upgrade than what many school streets have which is just a crosswalk. In Point Loma where one of these solar crosswalk lights can be found you’ll be surprised to find that drivers still don't respect these. The only bad thing that these solar lights will only be found near tall buildings or hospitals and even a few stores. As seen by many people are either in a hurry or just don’t wanna stop or the drivers find it easy to drive past them. By my experience with these new innovated flashing crosswalk lights are effici...

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