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3D Models: Bond Angles in Electron Domain Geometries

3 Pages 870 Words February 2019

The primary purpose of the experiment was to build 3D models that represent different bond angles found in electron domain geometries. Within the electron domains, it had to determine the name of each molecular geometry depending on the number of atoms and lone pairs it had. Next, liquids were mixed into test tubes to determine the relative polarity of molecules. It was expected that the longer the chain length of the alcohols, the less polar it will be, so it shouldn't mix with water. When blue food dye gets dropped into the mixture, it should mix with the water and whatever else is polar in the mix. It would be expected that polar and non-polar substances mix with each other and the polar and non-polar mixtures would not mix with each other.

In the desk classroom area of the classroom, tetrahedral, trigonal bipyramidal and octahedral models were constructed using model kits with either four, five and six outer atoms respectively. They each have different bond angles. The proper angles for tetrahedral are 109.5 degrees, 90 120 and 180 degrees for trigonal bipyramidal, and 90 degrees for octahedral. All of these were recorded and drawn on a chart. Then the one with the highest amount of bonds was deconstructed starting with the octahedral model, one atom was pulled off to generate a molecular geometry of square pyramidal, then the bond angles were recorded as 180, and 90 degrees and a Three-D representation were drawn. Then another atom was pulled off with the correct bond angles of 90 and 180 were recorded then a Three-D image was drawn. The same process was repeated to create bent and trigonal pyramidal molecular geometries as well as for tetrahedral, seesaw, and T-shaped molecular geometries for trigonal bipyramidal electron groups.
For the lab part miscibility was tested on water and pentane, water and methanol, and methanol/ pentane. Three mL of each solvent was added to a test tube and then mixed, and ...

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