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Consumerism in America

7 Pages 1709 Words September 2020

ct impulsively while making those particular purchases. Americans create more electronic waste than any other nation on Earth, along with their homes containing more T.V.s than people. (Carey) Not only are T.V.’s, electronics, and vehicles overly consumed, but essential items are also included in American’s impulsive shopping list. Basic needs such as clothes and food are overly consumed and even wasted. Nearly 40 percent of food in America goes to waste, while wealthy nations waste almost as much food that is produced in all of Sub-Saharan Africa. (Carey) These statistics explain the abruptness and selfishness of consumer behaviors. However, consumers may not be to blame for this issue. The advertisement has become extremely influential in consumer buying behavior.
Advertising is a way of communication to encourage an audience for making a purchase decision about a product or service and conveying information to viewers. (Haider and Shakib) The goal of the advertisement industry is to impact buying behavior through forms of media such as billboards, radios, social media, television, e-mail, newspapers, and websites. (Hordos) In order for a brand to obtain good advertising, they must catch the buyer’s attention. There are many components that fall into good advertising, for example, colors and sounds affect mood and memories which lead to building association. (Hordos) Brands have beco...

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