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AP Essay: James Otis and the American Revolution

2 Pages 546 Words November 2020

The American Revolution changed America in many ways. The aftermath brought a lot of political, social, and economic ideas that would transform society. These include increased participation in politics and governance, higher religious toleration, and growth and dispersal of the population.
Document one, written by James Otis, a lawyer in Massachusetts, summarizes that Britain’s attempts to control the colonies were unsuccessful. The imposition of taxes left colonies in need of a revolution. Otis took the colonists' side in believing they have their own rights and liberties with their privileges stated in 1765 in the Considerations on Behalf of the Colonists pamphlet. Colonists started trusting egalitarianism and democracy rather than aristocracy and monarchy. Otis’ purpose of his pamphlet was to state that colonists should send their own representatives to Parliament.
In source number three, a free African American writes on behalf of Belinda Sutton. In 1783, this petition was written requesting income from the royal family, and was later successful and put into Belinda’s favor, rewarding her with a pension. The man who wrote this petition stated that she was denied happiness due to this wealthy family that enslaved her.
The last document, number five, is a picture regarding the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794. The rebellion was a tax protest during Washington’s presidency, held by James McFarlane. This protest ended in armed resistance and success for the government but ultimately eliminated minor tax evasion.
James Otis was an American political activist. He was active in the times leading up to the revolution and helped the colonists further understand the British governance and intentions in the 1760s. He was defensive of colonial rights and noticed the struggle between them and Britain. The unfair taxation led by the British led up to the Revolution. A famous quote of Otis, “A man’s house is his castle; and whilst he...

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